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Geography & Locales of Myterra

The Greater Lands of Solmanar

Situated in temperate climate zone of the Jaxfar landmass of Myterra, The Greater Lands of Solmanar include the locales situated between the Sol Mountain Range and the Manar Sea. The region is encircled on three fronts by the towering peaks of Sol with its southern reach flanked by the waters of Manar.

The region is home to several dozen large independent human settlements dotted around the northern shores of the vast freshwater lake, Gylgathnora; which is centered in the region and surrounded by thick lowland forests. The largest of these settlements is the Independent City of Prymdale, which often functions as an unofficial "capitol" for its smaller siblings.

Solmanar also hosts territories claimed by the Trikingdom Alliance, positioned between the southern front of the lake and the shores of the Manar Sea. The alliance consists of the royal seats for the Iunan, Thaxian, and Ormhan kingdoms, who maintain a tenuous peace after decades of recent warfare (see more about the Queen's War for Solmanar).

The caverns located in the lower reaches of the mountains house nearly a dozen dwarven clans, and the pine forests that trace the mountains are inhabited by a few elven villages. A slew of mostly-unnamed rivers that branch off from Gylgathnora Lake have been settled by several halfling hamlets.

The areas near the heart of the Trikingdom Alliance are relatively safe, but beyond the united borders, the land grows wild -- becoming more dangerous the further north traversed. If not from monsters and wild beasts, then from bandits and warlords. 

Learn about locales in Solmanar:

The Sol Mountain Range
The Pines of Silentwood
The Gylgathnora Lake Region
The Rivers of Gylgathnora
Fairsong Forest
The Manar Sea

  • The Iunan Kingdom (Trikingdom Alliance Central)
  • The Thaxian Kingdom (Trikingdom Alliance West)
  • The Ormhan Kingdom (Trikingdom Alliance East)
  • Prymdale and other Human Settlements